Pineapple Salsa Bowl
Servings Prep Time
8-10people 15minutes
Servings Prep Time
8-10people 15minutes
  1. Make the pineapple bowl: cut about 1/4 of the pineapple off. You want to make sure to leave the stem or crown of the pineapple on. Loosen the pineapple by taking a knife around the outer edge of the fruit. Make score cuts across the pineapple flesh without piercing the skin. (Like you would an avocado) This is going to create squares of pineapple to spoon out. Using a metal spoon scoop out the scored pineapple flesh. Pour any extra juice or flesh out so the bowl is empty.
  2. Give the pineapple chunks you saved another quick dice. Add to a medium sized mixing bowl.
  3. Pour the small tub of pico in with the diced pineapple.
  4. Roughly chop your fresh cilantro and add to the mixing bowl.
  5. Dice 1 cups worth of bell peper. (any color combination) add to mixing bowl.
  6. Finish off by adding the fresh lime juice, diced jalepeno, salt and pepper. Toss together until everything is combined.
  7. Pour mixture into hollowed pineapple bowl. Refrigerate until ready to serve with chips!