Sea Salt Chocolate – Peanut Butter Fudge
Servings Prep Time
30pieces 1hour
Cook Time Passive Time
5minutes 45minutes
Servings Prep Time
30pieces 1hour
Cook Time Passive Time
5minutes 45minutes
  1. Line an 8-inch square pan with foil. Press the foil into the pan, folding any access over the edges. Brush the foil with melted butter, to prevent sticking.
  2. In the first sauce pan, combine 1/2 the can of condensed milk and the 2 cups of peanut butter chips with a pinch of sea salt. In the second sauce pan, combine the rest of the condensed milk and the 2 cups of chocolate chips, with a pinch of salt. Heat both sauce pans over medium-low heat at the same time. Stirring occasionally. Watch closely to make sure it doesn’t burn. Heat until smooth and creamy.
  3. Once the two pans of melted chips are smooth, remove from heat. Alternate spooning in the chocolate and peanut butter into the buttered dish. Spoonful of chocolate, then a spoonful of peanut butter. Filling in the gaps to create a cheetah like pattern.
  4. Grab a sheet of parchment paper and brush it with the melted butter. Press it straight on top of the mixtures to evenly spread and flatten the fudge.
  5. Sprinkle the top with flakey or regular sea salt. Refrigerate for at least an hour to harden.
  6. Tie a few pieces together with festive twine, or box up as a sweet holiday gift! <3